Who We Are
The Santa Rosa chapter was first chartered on December 22, 1921. The club has over 80 members which includes a cross section of Santa Rosa’s most influential and respected business and professional men and women.
Rotary is an international service organization whose state purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world.
Rotarians contribute time, energy, and money to help those who are most in need in our community and the world. Our focus is on children but we provide service and support to programs locally and internationally. Rotary meets weekly, is non-political, non-religious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.
The Rotary flag now flies in more countries than that of the United Nations. There are over 35000 clubs in over 182 countries, with over 1.2 million Rotarians around the world.
For Our Children
- Over $16,000 in college scholarships for SRJC transfer students including specific scholarships for STEM, veterans, vocations, business, and high achievement.
www.santarosarotary.com/foundation - Free children’s dictionary to every 3rd grade student in Santa Rosa public school system.
- Bicycles and helmets for foster youth.

For Our Community
- Over $26,000 in grants to local non-profit organizations.
- The Living Room – helping homeless and at risk women and children.
www.thelivingroomsc.org - Lime Foundation – training at risk young adults for productive trades work.
www.thelimefoundation.org - Providing cribs, beds and other household items to local, low income families.

For Our World
- Partner with Rotary International for the worldwide eradication of polio.
www.rotary.org - Project Amigo providing education facilities, materials, and funding to advance the education opportunities to impoverished children in Mexico.
www.projectamigo.org - Medical and health support with clean water projects in Mexico and Tanzania, telemedicine in Nepal, and cervical cancer screening in Senegal.